Super Indo

Super Indo Supermarket

( re-brand positioning & price campaign 2012 )

Super Segar. Super hemat.

In 2012 we repositioned Super Indo supermarkets, establishing the ‘SUPER’ in their name as the most obvious and relevant vehicle to communicate competitiveness and top quality.

By creating a price savvy 'Super Ibu' mascot we were persistently reminding consumers,
 that Super Indo stands for super value for money and super fresh products.

Super Hemat. Super Segar.

In 2012 we repositioned Super Indo supermarkets, establishing the ‘SUPER’ in their name as the most obvious and relevant vehicle to communicate competitiveness and top quality.

By creating a price savvy 'Super Ibu' mascot we were persistently reminding consumers,
 that Super Indo stands for super value for money and super fresh products.


Super Indo

Brand positioning 2012


Super Hemat. Super segar.

In 2012 we repositioned Super Indo supermarkets, establishing the ‘SUPER’ in their name as the most obvious and relevant vehicle to communicate competitiveness and top quality.

By creating a price savvy 'Super Ibu' mascot we were persistently reminding consumers,
 that Super Indo stands for super value for money and super fresh products.

watch our Super Indo

tv video ads

Super Indo key visuals & behind the scenes

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